Ranking Every WWE Elimination Chamber Match

With the Elimination Chamber PPV coming up THIS Sunday, I went back to watch all 24 previous Elimination Chamber matches and came up with my own list ranking all from worst to best.

24. Intercontinental Championship (Elimination Chamber 2015)

Where to begin with the worst Elimination Chamber match of all time? First, it was for a secondary championship in a match stipulation that has only been involved with the main event which means a top title and top superstars. Second, in this match we had King Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Mark Henry, R-Truth and Ryback all whom did not garner the interest of the fans. At times the match was slow and awkward. There’s the inadvertent breaking of Henry’s pod which may have led to Henry entering the match earlier than anticipated. Henry even breaks up a pin despite it being an elimination match. At one point Ryback, Truth, Henry and Ziggler all move in a circle staring one another down, fight, and then all stand around looking at Sheamus. Ryback ends up being the new Intercontinental Champion and winner of this abysmal match.

23. WWE Tag Team Championship (Elimination Chamber 2015)

Elimination Chamber 2015 played hosts to two of the worst Chamber matches of all time. At the time this match was set, I was interested to see how tag teams would fare in this match. I can confidently say the Elimination Chamber should never showcase teams ever again (so of course we have a Tag Team Elimination Chamber match on Sunday). First off, similar to the match above it featured teams with a limited fan base. The New Day were the only over team but this was during the heel phase before they won the fans over. This match started with the Ascension who appeared dominant for the first (and only time) during their main roster run. The Lucha Dragons and Los Matadores were two high flying teams that the crowd wasn’t really in to, even when Kalisto simply fell from the ceiling onto his opponents. Kidd and Cesaro were impressive in this match but of course were not meant to be a featured team and they were eliminated by roll up. It came down to the New Day and the Primetime Players. The final elimination of the PTP somewhat came out of no where and garnered a reaction of indifference as the New Day had the 3-on-2 advantage the entire match and capitalized. This match was again proof that the Elimination Chamber should be for a World title with superstars set for the main event scene. At one point, a single fan (marital status undetermined) chants “This is awesome” by his lonesome to prove just how many people likely enjoyed this match.

22. WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber 2012)

In 2012, CM Punk defended his WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber against the Miz, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho. Now this was leading into Wrestlemania 28 and the rumoured program for Punk was against Chris Jericho who failed to win the Royal Rumble. Perhaps this match would have been better if it were a #1 Contenders match but given the others involved it would telegraph the winner similar to how this match came across. This wasn’t a bad match like those to start off our list but for a match that took place in the Elimination Chamber it was rather unspectacular.

21. WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship (Elimination Chamber 2019)

Did I mention tag teams should not be featured in the Elimination Chamber? (Tune in this Sunday). Here we had the re-debut of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. This match was messy and clunky at times which I would attribute to the inexperience of some of the competitors in big match settings (Sarah Logan, Liv Morgan, Tamina). Additionally, I didn’t feel that many of the women sold the danger of the chamber. For example, Naomi and Carmella are dancing upon entering the Chamber. The IIconics attempted to rid themselves of comedy and looked to capitalize and eliminate opponents but they later found themselves hiding and screaming in a pod. Bayley and Sasha did their best to make this match feel meaningful and towards the end brought out the best in Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose but it felt like this match would have fared better as either a gauntlet or in a tournament. In the end, the right team won on the only night where the titles felt important.

20. #1 Contender for the WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber 2011)

Here we have 6 competitors square off for a chance at a WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania 27. In 2011, the conclusion of this match was never in doubt as John Cena was set to pick up the victory. Although the match itself isn’t bad there are more reasons I did not enjoy this one beyond the predictability. The awful anonymous RAW General Manager got involved even though it allowed my favourite CM Punk to remain in the match. Now let’s look at the eliminations. Orton had eliminated Punk but as we said that decision was reversed. Sheamus eliminated an aggressive R-Truth. John Morrison was impressive in this match as he dropped from the ceiling to cover and eliminate rival Sheamus. CM Punk wound up eliminating Orton and Morrison and of course Cena wound up eliminating Punk. What bothers me most is that Cena went on to main event Wrestlemania 27 against the Miz and set up his feud with the Rock but did nothing in this match but nail Punk with an AA after Punk had just eliminated another superstar. I don’t fault WWE for their long term booking but they ignored the importance of this match and it showed.

19. WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber 2010)

The year prior to the match above, John Cena also only eliminated one superstar but in this match there were multiple stories being told and so every superstar eliminating a rival made sense. Ted DiBiase eliminated his fellow Legacy member, Randy Orton adding to their rivalry. Triple H would eliminate WWE Champion Sheamus setting up their program for Wrestlemania 26. Cena would then make Triple H submit as he won the WWE Championship going in to Wrestlemania 26. Mr. McMahon would come out as the Chamber cage was raised, a similar sight to another match on this list and informed Cena that he would have to immediately defend the title against Batista. Batista made short work of the new champion and won the WWE Championship rendering Cena’s 8th championship win and this Elimination Chamber match meaningless.

18. ECW Championship (December to Dismember 2006)

Here we have the main event of one of the most infamous WWE Pay-Per-Views of all time. This match is famous for the disagreement between Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon concerning the winner. Heyman was pushing for CM Punk to win this match and tap out the champion Big Show. CM Punk was massively popular on this night and his win likely would have gone over well. Now this match could have been better but the booking was bizarre. Hardcore Holly replaced Sabu who ECW fans would have preferred in this hardcore setting (every pod had a weapon to make this an “extreme”Elimination Chamber). I like Hardcore Holly but Sabu was an ECW star . Even though Lashley was set to win, having fan favourites like CM Punk and RVD eliminated early killed the match for the crowd. Lashley eliminated Test and then Big Show to win the ECW Championship. The booking of this match was eerily similar to the 2015 Royal Rumble where McMahon was again set on his winner despite his vocal audience.

17. RAW Women’s Championship (Elimination Chamber 2018)

Here we have the first ever women’s Elimination Chamber match for the RAW Women’s Championship. Bayley and Sonya Deville kicked off this match and both their allies would join them later. Mandy Rose was eliminated first, like she was in the first ever women’s Royal Rumble. Mickie James dove off the top of the pod to eliminate Deville. Almost right after, Bayley eliminated James with a Bayley-to-Belly. The final three came down to Bliss, Bayley and Banks. Bliss attempted to climb the cage and get away from the Boss ‘n’ Hug connection. At one point, when Banks and Bliss were fighting atop the pod, Bayley attempted to climb up and join but Sasha kicked down Bayley. This was a great tease but it didn’t play into much as Bliss eliminated Bayley rather than Banks. Bliss then nailed a Twisted Bliss off the top of the pod which Banks instantly turned into a Banks Statement negating the impact of this high risk maneuver. Bliss would escape and nail a DDT from the turnbuckle to retain in the first ever women’s Elimination Chamber. I thought this was a good outing for the women as they made use of the structure but certainly not among the best Chamber matches.

16. World Heavyweight Championship (Elimination Chamber 2012)

In 2012, Daniel Bryan defended his World Heavyweight Championship against a very eclectic set of opponents. We had the Great Khali, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Santino Marella. Show was able eliminate fellow giant in Khali. Rhodes eliminated Show after he and Barrett worked together. Santino was able to roll up Rhodes and capitalize on Bryan’s headbutt on Barrett to luck his way into a one-on-one with the champion. Despite being a comedy character and the likelihood being quite low that Santino was walking out as champion, the fans got into the hope spot that we’d see the unthinkable as Santino busted out the Cobra and nailed Bryan for a near fall. While in shock, Bryan placed Santino in the Lebell lock and retained his title. I know I’ve mentioned it is important to treat the Chamber like the menacing structure and so a comedy finisher may be out of place but you can’t deny that the crowd was into Santino Marella and fell for the near fall making for an exciting tease in the Elimination Chamber.

15. WWE Championship (No Way Out 2009)

Before the Elimination Chamber PPV, the Chamber match was showcased at No Way Out for a few years. On this night, Edge defended the WWE Championship in the Chamber. Within a few minutes, Jeff Hardy rolled up Edge and eliminated him meaning we’d have a new champion. After Edge’s shocking elimination the remaining participants would make their way out their pods. Undertaker was out last and eliminated Kozlov who looked out of place among his competition. Undertaker hit a Superplex on Big Show who was then hit with a Pedigree by Triple H and then a Swanton Bomb off the top of a pod by Hardy to eliminate Show. Undertaker would then eliminate Jeff with a Tombstone. The final two were Triple H and Undertaker. After about 7-8 minutes of brawling and kicking out of each other’s finishers, Triple H hit a second Pedigree to win his 13th championship. The match was fine but a babyface, Triple H championship win will always lack my enthusiasm and interest.

14. World Heavyweight Championship (Elimination Chamber 2010)

In this Elimination Chamber match we had the Undertaker defending his World Heavyweight Championship against R-Truth, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Chris Jericho. It was encouraging to see back in 2010 that Truth, Punk and Morrison were getting opportunities to mix it up with the likes of the Undertaker and Jericho but any of them walking into Wrestlemania 26 as champion would be a bold move. The real drama of this match took place before the match even started when the Undertaker was making his way to the ring. There was a pyro malfunction that nearly engulfed the Undertaker and you can see some visible burns. Undertaker abandons his slow walk and quickly makes his way to the ring and his pod. Thankfully, the burns weren’t major enough to remove the Undertaker from the match as he was needed for the major angle at the end of the match. Credit to the Undertaker for enduring this match while likely in discomfort and pain. Many of the eliminations early came in between intervals of when superstars would enter the match. Fast forward to when Undertaker joins the match, he would eliminate Morrison with a chokeslam on the metal grate outside the ring. It came down to Jericho and Undertaker until Shawn Michaels made his way from underneath the Chamber and nailed the Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music allowing Jericho to capitalize and win the World Heavyweight Championship. HBK was obsessed with getting a rematch with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26 and did not accept the Undertaker’s no as an answer. What I didn’t like was that the winner and new champion was an immediate afterthought and the focus was on someone not in the match.

13. #1 Contender for the Universal Championship (Elimination Chamber 2018)

On this night we would have the most superstars compete in an Elimination Chamber, with 7. Finn Balor, Seth Rollins and the Miz all started the match. John Cena, Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman and Elias would all then proceed from their pods in that order. Now the talent in this match cannot be argued and everyone’s skillset was on display. I’d say five of the seven would make believable challengers for Brock Lesnar’s Universal Championship at Wrestlemania 34. Balor and Rollins displayed their athleticism. Elias and Miz were there to talk a big game but be cowardly heels looking to seize any underhanded opportunity. Cena and Reigns added the star power but Strowman’s dominance was the story of this match. Strowman would eliminate everyone except the winner. Even in defeat, Strowman was kept strong as he attacked Reigns after his win to be the only man standing in the Chamber to close the show. Now, I understand the plan was always set to be Reigns vs Lesnar at Wrestlemania but if you are booking a match and realize it isn’t time to defeat one of the competitors and that fans would get into his dominance, that is likely a strong candidate to send to the main event of Wrestlemania for a top single’s title rather than pairing him with a child named Nicholas to win the Tag Team Championships (yes, that happened).

12. World Heavyweight Championship (No Way Out 2009)

Here we have a match that many have ranked as the top Elimination Chamber match of all time but for me it doesn’t even crack my Top 10. It’s not a bad match by any means and actually it’s strength is the unpredictability. John Cena walked in as the World Heavyweight Champion and despite entering from his pod last he was eliminated third after receiving finishers from Edge, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho. Prior to the start of the match, Edge attacked Kofi Kingston, nailing him with a steel chair against the steel steps and taking his spot in the Chamber match. If you remember, earlier in the night Edge lost his WWE Championship in the first Elimination Chamber of the night. I still don’t know on what authority the decision was able to stand and how it was just that easy for Edge (a Smackdown superstar) to replace Kingston in the RAW Eliminaton Chamber match. Not only did Edge replace Kofi but he managed to win the entire match and still remain a champion as No Way 2009 concluded. This match also featured Kane and Mike Knox who despite their stature were eliminated first and second. Again, not a bad match but the chaos surrounding this match either left you with excitement or confusion and I felt more of the latter.

11. World Heavyweight Championship (Elimination Chamber 2011)

Here we have Edge defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Rey Mysterio, Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Big Show and Kane with a chance for one of these men to defend the title at Wrestlemania 27. This featured a young Drew McIntyre who now finds himself challenging for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 36. The match started with Edge and Rey who always had great chemistry. Barrett, Kane, McIntyre and Big Show would all then enter in that order. McIntyre came in and looked to dominate everyone as he was tossing his opponents into pods and brutalizing them with his offence. Barrett was first to be eliminated by rival Big Show who he had been tormenting with his new group, the (forgotten) Corre. Big Show would then be the recipient of numerous finishers and eliminated by Kane. Almost immediately and without much drama, Kane eliminated McIntyre and he exits the match almost nullifying his participation. The match comes down to some Elimination Chamber veterans. After Kane is eliminated, Edge and Rey resume their one-on-one match that started the match. It was an entertaining end as both men kicked out of each other’s finishers before Edge finally puts away Rey as Mysterio dives and is hit with a Spear. I think this match gets overlooked because it doesn’t have one dominant performer nor is there any blood spilled but overall it is among the best multi-men matches you’ll see.

10. #1 Contender for the WWE Championship (No Way Out 2008)

As we kick off our Top 10, we have the more fun matches that are worth the rewatch. In this match we had Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Umaga, JBL, Triple H and Jeff Hardy. With HBK and Y2J starting off it was a strong five minute start. Umaga was next out and the Samoan Bulldozer did exactly that to his competition. He hit a double Samoan drop on Michaels and Jericho. Umaga nearly decimated Jericho as he ran butt first into Jericho’s face shattering the pod glass. JBL was out next but despite being fourth, he would be first eliminated. JBL did not take well to being eliminated and returned with chair shots to Michaels, Jericho and Umaga, and leaving the chairs in the ring. Hunter was out next followed by Hardy. In classic Chamber strategy, all the superstars hit their finisher on the monster threat as Umaga received a Codebreaker, Sweet Chin Music, a Pedigree and finally a Swanton Bomb from atop the pod to be eliminated. Jericho would be pinned by Hardy after HBK hit Sweet Chin music. Michaels would be hit by a Twist a Fate and then Pedigree by his friend Triple H demonstrating the Chamber is every man for himself. We had a great little match as it came down to Hardy and Hunter who I think have a unique chemistry. In 2008, Jeff Hardy wouldn’t be out of place challenging for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 24. Unfortunately for Jeff he’d have a Wellness Policy violation and miss Wrestlemania so fortunately for WWE’s plan they went with the correct outcome and Hunter nailed a Pedigree on the steel chair to pin Jeff Hardy and go on to Wrestlemania 24 to challenge the WWE Champion.

9. WWE Championship (New Year’s Revolution 2006)

The now defunct New Year’s Revolution once played host to two Elimination Chamber matches. Here we had John Cena’s debut in the Elimination Chamber. Cena had been the champion since Wrestlemania 21 and was dominating his competition and fans, including myself, were tired and wanting someone new as champion. Now the other participants weren’t likely to dethrone Cena but he did have some competition in former WWE Champions Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle and Kane and two hungry up and comers in Carlito and Chris Masters. My pick was Angle who came in like a house on fire and suplexed his competition. Unfortunately he was nailed with Sweet Chin Music and eliminated first. Carlito and Masters began to enact their plan as allies and proceeded to eliminate Kane and Michaels. Carlito and Masters had Cena to themselves with their plan working so far. Unfortunately, Carlito’s greed got the better of him as he hit Masters with a low blow and rolled him up for the elimination. Carlito was then rolled up as Cena retained to groans by the audience and myself watching. This was a great Chamber match and different from first three but I hated that the heroic John Cena had to use a roll up to win. Now what happened afterwards has nothing to do with the Elimination Chamber but Vince McMahon came out and asked the cage be raised as this night was not over. This would lead to the first ever Money in the Bank cash-in and Edge did the unthinkable and defeat John Cena for the WWE Championship to the delight and warm embrace by wrestling friends everywhere.

8. #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship (Elimination Chamber 2013)

In 2013, Jack Swagger won this match to set up his Wrestlemania match with Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship in what I’d call “not bad creative“. This was a better Chamber match than I remembered despite ending with a rollup. Daniel Bryan and Jericho started this match with Swagger coming out next. Kane would join his Team Hell No teammate and Bryan looked to eliminate his partner before apologizing and asking for a hug. Mark Henry continued his Hall of Pain gimmick and eliminated both Bryan and Kane decisively. Henry would be the recipient of the monster strategy after taking a big boot from Swagger, Codebreaker and then RKO. Orton looked dominant and set to win as he would later hit another RKO to eliminate Chris Jericho. Almost instantly after the 1-2-3 on Jericho, Orton was eliminated by Swagger with a rollup for the win. With Swagger being a heel I can excuse the cheap victory but Swagger was being reintroduced with a change in his character and a dominant win would have added credibility to him fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 29.

7. #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship (No Way Out 2008)

Let me start by saying, this isn’t a great match or classic, yet it is a Chamber match that I seem to go back to watch. Perhaps it is because it is the only time the Undertaker has ever won the Elimination Chamber or because of the bizarre set of opponents. Undertaker and Batista start off this match and pick up right where they left off in their feud that took place over most of 2007. Out next was Big Daddy V the former Viscera/Mabel. Batista and Undertaker worked together to eliminate the gargantuan and then return to fighting one another. Next out is another monster in the form of the Great Khali. Again, Batista and Undertaker reluctantly work together to eliminate Khali and then once again resumed fighting one another. Finlay is out next and actually manages to not be easily eliminated as he takes it to both Undertaker and Batista. They all fight until MVP is the last from his pod. Once again MVP looks to take the fight to Undertaker and Batista, with an assist from his metal chain. As MVP notices his offence is having minimal effect, he attempts to create distance (since there is no escape in the Chamber) and climbs to the top of a pod. This would be his undoing as Undertaker catches and sends him flying with a “reverse” Chokeslam as Finaly covers MVP to eliminate him. Hornswoggle shows up from underneath one of the metal grates to slide Finlay his Shillelagh and Finlay uses his weapon as best he can to his advantage. Finlay’s brutality is eventually countered by both Batista and Undertaker as Taker hits a Chokeslam on Finlay on the steel grate floor for the elimination. We return to Batista and Undertaker who brawl and Undertaker manages to reverse into a Tombstone from the outside back into the ring for the win. This match honestly felt like a video game at times as various fighters were released into this Chamber:from an undead Wizard to a muscular powerhouse to monsters to an Irish brawler and his leprechaun to a street smart fighter with the two fighters who started the match having to outlast all and then one another.

6. WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Elimination Chamber 2014)

In this Elimination Chamber we had Sheamus, Cesaro, Christian, John Cena, Daniel Bryan and the champion Randy Orton. This was during the rise of Daniel Bryan and the demand that he go onto Wrestlemania 30 to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan alongside every competitor fought tooth and nail to the end for a chance at leaving the Elimination Chamber as champion. Cesaro and Sheamus kicked off the match just beating the đź’© out of each other. After five minutes, fan favourite Daniel Bryan joined the fray and contributed his own hard hitting offence. Christian would come out next. This match wound up being Christian’s final PPV match but what an effort he put it and added to the enjoyment of this match. Cena came in 5th and as soon as he would look to build some momentum one of his opponents would nail him from behind. Orton would enter last but no one was eliminated. Orton would retreat back into his pod. Sheamus went after Orton and ended up Brogue kicking the pod and destroying the glass. Soon after, Sheamus had his eyes set on Christian but Christian escaped to the top of a pod. After being laid out, Christian nails Sheamus with a splash from the top of the pod for the first elimination of the match. Before he can celebrate, Daniel Bryan nails Christian with a Running Knee and Christian is eliminated from the final championship match of his career. Cesaro and Cena continue to mix it up with Cena nailing an AA on Cesaro onto the metal flooring. Cena then brings Cesaro in the ring and applies the STF and Cesaro taps out. I would have preferred Cesaro be pinned instead of submit. As the match continues, the lights go out and the Wyatt Family then appears in the Chamber and target John Cena leading to him being eliminated. Corporate Kane then makes his way to clear the ring of the Wyatts but Bryan ends up nailing Kane, a representative of the Authority. After a nearfall, Kane gets involved again by pulling the referee out and costing Bryan a potential win. Bryan strikes Kane and turns around into an RKO but Bryan kicks out at 2! Bryan tries to roll up Orton but Orton kicks out. Kane ends up nailing Bryan again and this leads to another RKO and Orton retains his championship. I thought this match was non-stop action from start to end and with a little extra-curricular leading to eliminations. I don’t know if it was because I was immersed in the Daniel Bryan popularity at the time but this match was so enjoyable.

5. World Heavyweight Championship (New Year’s Revolution 2005)

In wrestling, it is usually easiest to carve out a story that can be told when wrestlers go one-on-one. It is a hard ask to create a compelling story when you add more wrestlers but as 2005 started we had 6 superstars on RAW all vying to be the World Heavyweight Champion that all had some history with one another. At New Year’s Revolution the championship had been vacated and Shawn Michaels would be called upon to be the special guest referee. Starting off the match were two men familiar with one another in Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. The two technicians squared off for the first 5 minutes before Triple H would exit his pod. There was no love lost between Hunter and Benoit and Hunterand Jericho, two men Triple H had main evented against at Wrestlemanias. The story here was that Triple H needed to survive until his heavy, Batista, entered the match to increase his odds at winning. Edge would come out next and he too had no love lost for Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and even Shawn Michaels. Edge was paranoid at the time of conspiracies to keep him out of the main event picture and he did not trust that Shawn Michaels would make the 3-count when Edge was set to win. Orton was out next and he went right after Triple H who had exiled Orton from Evolution. At one point, Edge went for a Spear on Orton but Orton dodged and Edge nailed referee Shawn Michaels. Edge then hit Orton with the Spear but obviously there was no referee to make the count. An irate, Edge began to aggressively revive Michaels who came to and hit Sweet Chin Music on Edge leading to him being first eliminated (let the conspiracy continue). Batista finally made his way out, even though the referee struggled to unlock his pod. Batista went wild on everyone…minus Triple H. Batista hit Jericho with a Spinebuster onto Chris Benoit, which led to the elimination of Benoit. Batista picked up Jericho and hit a Batista Bomb and Jericho was eliminated. With Batista appearing unstoppable, this seemed like his match to win but he had marching orders of ensuring Triple H won. As Batista goes to eliminate Orton, Randy retaliates with a low blow and an RKO and Batista is eliminated. You can see in the corner, Triple H gets up and could have broken up the fall but chooses to fall back in the corner and watch Batista get eliminated. As the Chamber door opens to let Batista exit, Flair rushes to the ring and Michaels tackles him to keep him out and Batista nails Orton with a clothesline. Not sure why they needed the referee distracted since the match was NO DQ but after a Pedigree, Triple H eliminates Orton and wins the World Heavyweight Championship. I know I said earlier I am not a fan of Triple H wins but the story here is too good as Batista’s momentum continued en route to a Royal Rumble win and challenging Triple H at Wrestlemania 21.

4. World Heavyweight Championship (Summerslam 2003)

This match can be described as concentrated intensity as a lot that takes place in a short span of time. Michaels and Jericho start this match off but instead of five minutes, a superstar was released from their pod every 3 minutes. Orton came out third followed by Kevin Nash. As Nash attempted a Jacknife Powerbomb, Michaels nails Nash with Sweet Chin Music and Jericho manages the pin. Nash didn’t handle his elimination well as he took out all the competitors in the ring. Triple H was set to make his way out next but was superkicked and remained down in his pod. Goldberg awaited the countdown in his pod before he released his brutality. Goldberg immediately Speared Randy Orton eliminating Triple H’s only ally in the match. Goldberg then beat down on Jericho and Michaels. Spear and Jackhammer to eliminate Michaels. Goldberg would Spear Jericho through the glass of the pod doors. Another Jackhammer and Jericho was eliminated and it was down to Goldberg and Triple H. Triple H remained in his pod, with Flair on the outside using his body weight to keep the pod doors closed and giving Goldberg the finger. Goldberg punched through the pod door glass startling both Flair and Triple H. Goldberg beat down Triple H and was set to hit him with a spear. Flair was able to slide a sledgehammer through the open chain and Hunter nailed Goldberg with the sledgehammer and picked up the win. Again this was far from a wrestling classic but when you look upon the Chamber you’re not expecting technical wrestling but rather brutality and destruction; two words that capture Bill Goldberg who should have left the winner.

3. WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber 2017)

This was debut of the current Elimination Chamber structure as we know it today. It was more square in design and the metal grate flooring appears covered with mats. I can accept the new structure as being a bit more safe for the performers. Despite the Chamber appearing less brutal, all the superstars worked hard on this night to make this among one of the better Chamber matches of all time. John Cena was WWE Champion and he started off against the man he defeated for the title, AJ Styles. The two continued to demonstrate their tremendous chemistry with near falls early on in the match. Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt and Baron Corbin would all enter in that order to continue to add to the talent involved. The Miz was to enter last but remained in his pod. Corbin challenged Miz to come out and with eyes focused on Miz it led to Ambrose rolling-up Corbin for the first elimination. Corbin did not handle this elimination well and took it to Ambrose as he sent him through a pod and nailed the End of Days. Miz would quickly pin Ambrose to eliminate him from the match. Cena and Miz would mix it up as this was the Wrestlemania 33 program for both (and their significant others). Cena hit an Attitude Adjustment to eliminate Miz. With three superstars left, they all took it to one another. Cena and Styles, who entered first and second respectively, would hit their finishers, Styles Clash and Attitude Adjustments but these still only got near falls. As Bray and Cena fought one another Wyatt managed to nail the Sister Abigail on Cena and this led to the shock elimination and a guarantee of a new champion. Styles and Wyatt mixed it up as Styles looked to reclaim his WWE Championship. As AJ went for a Phenomenal Forearm to seal the deal, Bray caught AJ and hit Sister Abigail to eliminate AJ Styles and win his first WWE Championship. This was an excellent Chamber and multi-man match as all six men worked hard with non-stop action and stories being built for Wrestlemania and the championship being the desire of all inside.

2. World Heavyweight Championship (Survivor Series 2002)

The first ever Elimination Chamber absolutely set the bar for this match type having no previous match of its like to build off of. As far as a structure is looked both brilliant and menacing and every superstar really sold the intimidation and brutality of this match. Granted in 2002, the use of blood was less restrictive but it absolutely was necessary to get this match over and I would say all 6 men involved did remarkable to make the Elimination Chamber a main event match in one night. It should also be pointed out that on this night, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were excellent on commentary as they too sold the brutality and the excitement of the win. In this match we had Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Kane and Shawn Michaels. Hunter and RVD started this match off, with Triple H taking some bumps on the metal floor and being tossed into the chain-link fencing and bleeding early. Chris Jericho would enter next and despite being former rivals, he and Hunter double-teamed RVD. Booker T came out next to even the odds and assist RVD but this match was every man for himself and their alliance was short lived. Rob Van Dam went on top of the pod, the first ever such spot in Elimination Chamber history and nailed a Five-Star Frogsplash and legitimately injuring the throat of Triple H. RVD would see the effects of this high risk maneuver and Booker T immediately capitalized hitting a Missile Dropkick and eliminates RVD. Jericho would eliminate Booker T later just before Kane enters the fray. Kane dominated both Hunter and Y2J as Shawn Michaels was last to enter the match. Michaels, Hunter and Jericho would all hit finishers on Kane, a strategy used in many Chamber matches since to eliminate the monster threat. Jericho and Hunter would resume their double teaming on Michaels but both men’s egos got in the way and Michaels eliminated Jericho to set up for one-on-one with Triple H. The drama was built on the comeback of Shawn Michaels at this time and the crowd was solidly behind HBK. Shawn and Hunter gave it their all with near falls. In the final moments, there was a dramatic build to Shawn’s Sweet Chin Music and he nails it and pins Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship in only his second match back. The crowd erupted for this win and confetti rained down in what is likely the most decorated Elimination Chamber victory of all time. For the first ever Elimination Chamber match this was an amazing debut and really set the bar for all Chamber matches that followed.

1. WWE Championship (Elimination Chamber 2019)

I don’t remember watching the 2019 Elimination Chamber last year but I heard the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match was considered a match of the year contender. Upon rewatching, I absolutely see why and feel this was as close to a perfect Elimination Chamber match. This match started with WWE Champion Daniel Bryan against Samoa Joe. The two wasted no time to begin beating each other up for five minutes. Out next is Kofi Kingston who was a replacement for Mustafa Ali and earned his spot in a Gauntlet match. The crowd not only wanted to see Kofi included in this match but go on to win the championship after an impressive showing in the Gauntlet match. Kingston built off the crowd support and took it to both Bryan and Joe. AJ Styles was out next to continue to add to the talent in the Chamber. Styles hit a Phenomenal Forearm to Bryan who was climbing the Chamber wall. Styles would hit another Phenomenal Forearm to eliminate Samoa Joe. Jeff Hardy comes out 5th and goes after everyone. With AJ draped over the top turnbuckle, Hardy climbs to the top of a pod and hits a brutal Swanton Bomb on AJ. Before Jeff can attempt a pin, he gets to his feet and is hit by a Running Knee from Daniel Bryan and Hardy is eliminated. Randy Orton was out last and like all who exited their pods in this match, took it to all in the ring. Styles looked to eliminate Randy with a Phenomenal Foreram but flew into an RKO and Styles was eliminated. Orton was then eliminated not too long after by a Trouble in Paradise by Kofi Kingston which was a huge elimination for Kingston. With it coming down to Kingston and Bryan the crowd was solidly behind Kingston in hopes he’d walk out as champion. Kingston and Bryan had a great one-on-one affair in the final minutes of this match. There was an SOS for a great near fall. Bryan hit his Running Knee and Kofi kicked out to an electric response from the crowd. Kofi’s intensity and aggression increased as he really took it to Bryan by bashing him head first into the pod walls. At one point, Kofi and Bryan were atop the pod and Kofi kicked away at Bryan and went for a Splash off the top of the pod but missed, Bryan quickly took advantage and hit another Running Knee to retain the WWE Championship. This was an amazing match from both an in-ring and atmosphere. Even in defeat, Kofi had the fans behind him and they were not done with wanting to see Kofi as WWE Champion. This led to Kofi versus Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 35 where Kofi finally captured the championship to the roar of all those in attendance.